All About HDD vs. SSD Cloud Server Hosting

HDD Vs SSD Cloud Server Hosting - Verito Technologies

Since the time computer technology was introduced, storage has always been a hot topic for improvement. The first commercial hard drive was launched in 1956 and weighed more than a ton to provide a space of 5MB (Source). However, turn the page to the present day, and you will see even kids utilizing GBs of space and computing resources for educational purposes. 

If you run a business that keeps track of hefty files and then stores them for later use, you can imagine how difficult it would be to deal with lack of space and the resulting application performance issue. Hence, you must know the difference between HDD and SSD cloud server hosting to hire the right cloud solution provider.

Before we jump onto the specifics of HDD and SSD cloud server hosting, let’s cover the basics.

What is HDD?

HDD or Hard Disk Drive is an age-old physical storage device based on electromagnetism to store and retrieve data. A typical HDD consists of a rotating motor coated with electromagnetic material. Unlike RAM, it is a non-volatile storage drive that keeps the information in different blocks and sectors for an extended period.

While HDD has been around in the computing industry for more than 50 years, new technologies like SSD have come with modern ways to store data.

What is HDD Hosting?

HDD hosting refers to the hosting services for websites or applications that are based on hard disk drives for storing data. This type of hosting can be used to store website content and other resources on a physical server. This hosting setup requires considerable technical expertise for configuration. 

What is an SSD?

Solid State Drive, popularly known as SSD, is a storage device used in computers and servers to store data on solid-state flash memory, hence the name. It has majorly replaced the traditional HDD for data storage needs because of its faster performance. With an SSD, the operating system in a device boots up more rapidly for a faster saving of files and quicker loading of applications.

Unlike an HDD, an SSD has no moving parts but includes NAND flash memory chips and a flash controller. These components deliver high read/write performance for both random and sequential data requests.

Also Read: Dedicated Cloud Hosting or Shared Hosting – Which One Should You Choose?

What is SSD Hosting?

SSD hosting is the one that utilizes SSDs for data storage instead of HDDs. It also means that the servers virtualize the backend architecture. In this hosting setup, everything will be pre-configured in general and is managed by a backend server. 

HDD vs. SSD hosting comparison

While it is up to you to decide which type of hosting services you want to select, you must know the differences between HDD and SSD cloud server hosting. The following table compares SSD with HDD to help you understand things better –

Parameter HDD Server Hosting SSD Cloud Server Hosting
Hosting speed Takes more time for the server to store and access data; have average 200 IOPS Involves no moving parts; has average 40,000 IOPS
Reliability Comparatively less reliable Highly reliable 
Performance Comparatively slower Deliver data 20 times faster
Data security Vulnerable to mechanical malfunction Resistant to mechanical harms
Power consumption Consumes more power Consumes 80% less energy than HDD
Cost Lower in cost Comparatively expensive

** IOPS – Input/Output Operations Per Second

Switch to Verito’s Cloud for SSD Cloud Server Hosting

If you are now convinced to switch to SSD servers, join hands with Verito Technologies to benefit from their enterprise-grade SSD cloud server hosting. With our dedicated SSD server solutions, we empower our clients based on:

  • SSAE – 16 SOC 1 and SOC 2 Audit Standard
  • HIPA, PCI DSS, and Safe Harbor Compliant
  • Data protection via Tier 3 and Tier 4 data centers
  • Easy scalability
  • 24×7 cloud support

Contact us right away to discuss your cloud hosting needs!

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