What is Server Downtime and How You Can Prevent It?

What is Server Downtime and How You Can Prevent It?
What is Server Downtime and How You Can Prevent It?

Regardless of the business sector, every IT organization takes all possible precautions to keep their business up and running. Online businesses have grown to an unprecedented scale globally, with a sudden upswing resulting from the lockdown restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite numerous challenges, the COVID-19 crisis has expanded the growth of online businesses. 

However, no business, at any stage, can afford operational disruptions. Server downtime is one such disruption that can hamper business productivity and continuity significantly. While it has a minor impact on some businesses, it can cause lasting disruptions for many others. The risk of downtime is hard to eliminate but can be minimized with effective measures.

Let’s start with the basics of server downtime to help you understand it better.

What is Server Downtime?

Server downtime can be defined as the period when the server becomes non-operational. When you have business-critical data and software hosted on-premise servers, a technical glitch can make them inaccessible to you and your team. The same thing can happen when you have the data and applications hosted on unreliable third-party servers. This is why we recommend only reputable, highly-rated Cloud Providers.

Since the cause of server downtime needs professional intervention, you cannot do much about it unless you have invested in IT professionals. On average, the cost of server downtime for an hour lies between $0.3-0.4 million dollars, says Statista. 

Common Causes of Server Downtime

  • Cyberattacks
  • Human errors
  • Software or hardware failure
  • Natural disasters

Before you learn how to minimize the impact of server downtime on your business, you need to understand what can happen because of it.

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Business-Impact of Server Downtime

  1. Workplace Productivity

Being available to your customers around the clock is no longer a unique attribute but has become necessary in the current business world. Organizations handling a diverse clientele maintain a 24/7 business process. Extended server downtime can cause their employees to sit idle and unproductive while customers wait. In some cases, it may take hours for the servers to be into action, leading to a significant loss of productivity. Consequently, they may have to work for an extended period to put things back on track.

  1. Loss of Clients

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective tools for all businesses. When satisfied clients spread the good word about them and recommend services/products to peers, it ultimately leads to success. However, server downtime can make even the most loyal clients look for alternatives if it happens frequently. As a result of server downtime, the business may lose its revenue stream and reputation in the market.

  1. Loss of Critical Data

For all IT businesses, business-related data and software are their lifeblood. Whether it is client details, confidential information about the business, sales forecast reports, or risk management measures, data availability impacts every aspect of the business. This is why companies invest billions annually to ensure data security.

Server downtime, depending on its severity, can lead to data loss or corruption. Think of this as the worst-case scenario for any business. 

  1.  Breach of Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Clients

Most service-oriented companies work on SLA’s in which they sign a legal agreement with their clients to maintain certain service quality. In many cases, SLA also differentiates a renowned service provider from the rest. However, the breach of SLA can cause these companies to fight legal battles with clients.

Server downtime not only impacts service quality for many businesses but also results in SLA breaches. 

How Can Cloud Hosting Services Help Overcome Server Downtime?

While there are many ways to handle server downtime, switching to cloud technology is one of them. You can minimize the impact of server downtime on your business by working with a reliable cloud hosting provider

Here is how cloud hosting can help you against server downtime:

  • Uptime Guarantee

Cloud hosting providers address server downtime issues with their uptime guarantee. They do this by deploying a redundant IT setup backed by Tier 3 and 4 data centers. This redundancy means any failure on the technical side of the servers is handled almost instantly. The best cloud hosting providers can guarantee an uptime as high as 99.995% in their SLAs.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Server Uptime Guarantee

  • High-Performance Computing (HPC) Servers

Another cause of server downtime is the simultaneous operation of multiple applications hosted on the same server. With limited resources, in-house servers often get jammed and result in server downtime or slowdowns. 

However, with cloud hosting services, you can efficiently run multiple applications simultaneously without facing any downtime. This is achieved with the help of HPC servers installed to meet the needs of diverse clients.

  • Top-Notch Data Security

Business-critical data is more prone to cyberattacks, which can result in significant data loss for organizations. You can significantly benefit from cloud technology in this aspect. Distinguished cloud service providers invest in multi-layer security safeguards like end-to-end encryption, firewalls, and access control policies. It will ensure that your data and applications stay safe and secure when hosted on their cloud servers.

Also Read: A Complete Guide to Cybersecurity

  • Quick-to-Scale Solutions

The scalability of traditional IT infrastructure can also result in server downtime. Installation and configuration of upgraded servers is a time-consuming task. On the contrary, cloud hosting solutions make it easier for you to upgrade or downgrade IT resources in the least time possible, preventing the risk of server downtime.

Final Thoughts

Server downtime usually has a multi-fold impact on the businesses. To keep your business afloat, it is crucial to look for ways to minimize the impact of downtime. Cloud hosting is one solution that you can select to pave the way for next-level business growth.

About Verito Technologies

Verito Technologies provides fully-managed, turn-key cloud hosting solutions for all size companies. We host your favorite tax/accounting software on a dedicated cloud server backed by enterprise-grade security that is SOC2, PCI DSS, SSAE compliant, and our strategically located data centers offer a 99.99% uptime guarantee. Automated backups and a 24/7 support team provide complete peace of mind.

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